The Burghers of Ceylon"
The accompanying twin books
will be commercially available by 2025 or 2026.
The first volume consists on, historical accounts of Dutch VOC in the 18th century in Asia and its decline. The second volume features mainly Ceylon, and the other settlements followed by illustrations, maps, coat of arms, paintings. In addition to the summaries of family ancestry of the servicemen their company credentials, occupations and posts which end around 1820. Historian Martijn Maarleveld consulted primary sources to validate documentation on material from the maritime VOC archives around the globe, in addition to the church registers, testaments, state and family archives and literature, thus creating a unique presentation on the social demographics of the VOC period settlements.
In order to sustain a high quality book production, we seek financial sponsoring. We have provided a representative space for logo placement and acknowledgement.
Here is a first impression of the historical material of our book.